Dental Insurance

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Most people don’t think about their teeth that often until something goes wrong. Oral health is something many tend to overlook and neglect, but when the pain or discomfort becomes obvious, it doesn’t just hurt our smiles – it can hurt our wallets, too.

Oral and dental health is a critical aspect of achieving a good quality of life, so we should be doing everything we can to protect it. In this mission, access to good dental insurance is key.

What is Dental Insurance?

Standard health insurance plans typically don’t include dental care in their benefits, at least for adults.

Generally, pediatric services for both vision and dental are usually included in your health insurance plan. However, dental care for adults is often a separate policy altogether, although most often offered with vision insurance.

This is because the ACA guidelines include pediatric vision and dental care as one of the ten benefits to be included in every health plan in the Marketplace, ensuring that many American children will have access to safe and affordable dental procedures.

Sadly, adults don’t get the same benefit. If you want good dental insurance, you’ll have to shop around for a bit to find one that suits your needs best.

Dental insurance will also often have benefit caps, which don’t limit your out-of-pocket costs. This means that even if you have adult dental insurance, the assistance it provides will still be limited – although it will remain significant, for sure.

This is why you need to pick the best dental insurance plans that will help you get the most out of your benefits.

Who Should Get Dental Insurance?

Dental insurance is highly different from regular health insurance.

You need to spend money on comprehensive health policies because the risks of facing illnesses are high, and the worst-case scenarios can be rather terrible.

On the other hand, the potential worst-case scenarios of poor oral health aren’t typically as major.

Even the advantages aren’t that significant. Your dental insurance plan will have annual maximums and co-insurance costs. You can also still incur any out-of-pocket expenses.

Suffice to say, if your dental plan isn’t suited to your needs, you will most likely be losing money instead.

However, there are still several cases when getting dental insurance is highly recommended, such as the following:

  • When you’re getting older. Dental problems aren’t exclusive to seniors, but they have a higher chance of suffering from some forms of dental problems than younger people.
  • When your employers offer quality group plans. Some employer dental plans are pretty convenient, with low monthly premiums and generous annual limits. Always examine these plans before committing, though, since not every group rate your employers offer are high-quality.
  • If you are concerned about your dental health. If dental health is central to your daily life and emotional health, getting a quality dental plan for both financial and emotional benefits might be worth it.

Types of Dental Insurance

There are multiple types of dental insurance plans that you can get. These plans all have advantages and disadvantages and are well-suited for different use cases.


Dental Health Maintenance Organization Plans
Health maintenance organization (HMO) plans are a form of insurance where policyholders are assigned to a healthcare provider who will determine their needs and offer other dental services within the insurance network. When talking about dental health, dental HMO plans work pretty much the same way. You are assigned a dentist within your insurance network, and you will get all your dental needs from them. Depending on the policy, your dentist can also refer you to other practitioners within the network to deliver services that they can’t perform themselves. This is one of the most popular insurance policies because of its accessibility and simplicity. However, the trade-off is that you can only get the benefits from your assigned dentist and no one else.
Dental Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plans
Preferred provider organization plans differ from HMOs because they rely more on the insurance network than a single medical provider. Many people prefer Dental PPOs because of their accessibility and the choices you have. In dental PPOs, you can get services from multiple dentists as long as they are within your insurance network. Once you go out of your network, you may still receive a certain amount of benefits, although it will be greatly reduced.
Dental Indemnity Plans
Dental indemnity plans provide the most freedom when it comes to provider choice. The insurance provider doesn’t provide a network of dentists. Instead, the policyholders are free to pick their own dentist and use their policy there. This setup can be incredibly convenient, especially if there are no dentist networks in your immediate vicinity. The biggest downside to dental indemnity plans is that they require a deductible. The typical ratio is 80-20, which means you need to pay 20% of the cost of the dental procedure before your insurance kicks in to pay for the other 80%. Often, you may need to pay the total price during the service and then submit a claim to your insurer for reimbursement. There are better choices, though. For instance, some dentists will bill the providers directly and send you a bill for the copay. Interested in the most common benefits that most dental insurance plans offer? Check out our Dental coverage guide for more information.

How Much is Dental Insurance?

Plenty of factors affect the average price of dental insurance in the US. However, the National Association of Dental Plans revealed that the average dental insurance cost for group policies ranged from $168 to $366 annually.

According to the same articles, some prices range from $91.80 to $220.32 annually.

However, a lot of this depends on the insurance provider. If you want a better idea of how much you are likely to pay for your dental insurance needs, ask for a dental insurance quote from Mia Insurance.

Our expert agents will assist you in determining your needs and matching you with the best and most affordable dental insurance plans.

Buying the Right Dental Insurance Plan This 2022

If your smile is important to you, protect it with the right dental insurance plan.

Mia Insurance guarantees high-quality and affordable dental insurance plans, including dental implant insurance coverage, dental crown insurance coverage, and full coverage dental insurance.

What’s more, we’ll help you tailor-fit your plan for you! We guarantee premiums that work for your budget and benefits that you won’t regret.

Sounds good? Give us a call today!

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